With the successful release of Black Panther and the hype for upcoming films Infinity War, Deadpool, and Venom (to name only a few), it’s safe to say that comic book franchises are not only alive but flourishing.
Photo courtesy of Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
However, things were not always so. Before the advent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe, comic conventions (or comic cons) were the only place where die-hard fans could go and talk about their passions with kindred spirits.
The tide has definitely changed. Where superheroes were once strictly for the geeks, they now take center stage with a worldwide audience that spans almost every demographic. The success of the movies and the newfound interest in superheroes, have affected the original comic book world as well.
Today, Comic Cons are big events where the original comic industry mixes with Hollywood, the video game industry, the toy industry, and cosplay groups.
On March 24 and 25, 2018, ComicCon Asia makes its debut at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay!
Photo courtesy of ComicCon Asia via Facebook
This two-day event features the who’s who of the local and international comic book scene with none other than the Godfather of Comics, the Cameo King, the living legend Stan “the Man” Lee, leading the charge.
Local and foreign guests will be teaching different aspects of the craft. Linda Le will talk about doing cosplay; Armand Serrano of Walt Disney Animation will teach Visual Development; and local hotshot Harvey Tolibao will show how he makes comic book covers.
Apart from the workshops, there will also be a Cosplay Competition, a Filipino Graphic Novel Competition and Mentoring, and even an opportunity to pitch your unique idea to an all-star panel of animation and video game execs for consideration.
ComicCon Asia is a gathering that not only brings entertainment but also opens real opportunities to budding artists, animators, and writers. It is an excellent chance for local artists to show off their unique and world-class talents.
You can participate at this year’s Comic Con Asia by getting either a one-day pass for PHP 800 or a two-day pass for PHP 1,300. Special rates apply if you want to meet and take a photograph with former Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Stan Lee.
Whether or not you’ve got a ticket, get into the spirit of ComicCon with these everyday items!
On Sale at P1,343, Takatack
P6,483, Takatack
P2,969, Takatack
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