How X-Men Changed the Superhero Scene We Know Today

X-Men: Apocalypse is finally out! It’s the 9th installment to the X-Men movie series, and the last of the trilogy of X-Men: First Class, and X:Men: Days of the Future Past, the latter reviewed to be the most epic and the best X-Men film to date.  In Apocalypse, the X-Men are going up against the first mutant, Apocalypse, who awakens to take over the world with his Four Horsemen.

While X-Men: Apocalypse is earning mixed reviews, we think X-Men is one of the most underrated superhero sagas that deserves more lovin’. Here’s why:

X-Men might be why more adults are into superheroes movies today

For decades, the superhero comics that were first being printed were “childish” and not anything adults could relate to. It was only when comic book writers, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were conceptualizing  X-Men as the first concept to have superheroes genetically born with powers versus external factors (e.g. Spiderman getting bitten by a radioactive spider) that pushed them to think it was time to capture a new audience with it, adults, and near-adults. The first brainchild however became Fantastic 4.


X-Men humanized superheroes, revolutionizing the way we know them today


Before, superhero comics were famous because of their powers, the villains, and the fights that ensued, but by X-Men Issue 93 in May 1975, X-Men was written especially to look beyond the powers of superheroes and focus more on the individuals themselves, their ideas, their desires, and what it was who made them who they were. This ultimately reshaped what would be the core future of X-Men today, and gave birth to the idea that every villain has a back story (hello Magneto).


X-Men movies spearheaded the current age of the Superhero craze.


The current age of superhero movies actually began in 2000, at the start of the millennium, with Bryan Singer’s X-Men. According to Vox Media, X-Men set in motion a new wave of superhero films— “from Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man series to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy to Marvel’s ever-expanding catalog of Avengers and Avengers-adjacent blockbusters”. Following X-Men: The Apocalypse is a crazy solid lineup of the most epic (our choice of words can’t even express how excited we are) Marvel and DC movies up until 2020. Just this year for the Marvel Universe, we have Gambit in October 2016, Doctor Strange, the powerful Sorcerer Supreme in November, the third Wolverine film in March 2017, and the hotly anticipated sequel of Guardians of the Galaxy in May 2017.

You DON’T want to miss out on this: The 2010s is the peak of Superheroes

Everyone used to say superhero movies couldn’t dominate the box office yet here we are movie after movie blowing our minds away. Up to the year 2020, it will be the epitome of superhero stardom as advancements in technology, from motion-capture, IMAX cameras, and CGI have been helping filmmakers pull off the effects required of the characters.

We repeat, this is one HUGE wave you don’t want to miss. After 30 more comic book movies planned through 2020, critics like Steven Spielberg are predicting it to die down. This why you need to join the superhero conversation, while it’s at it’s prime and while everyone’s still talking about it. If you haven’t caught up to the craze yet, catching the wave with X-Men is a great start.

For new fans and soon-to-be converts: THE SUPERHERO STARTER KIT

It’s not too late to ride the Superhero wave!  If you’re new to Marvel, we’ll help you prep for the next wave of movies with a list of essential and must-watch movies (listed below)! Some of the titles are available on Netflix. This will help you appreciate and enjoy the upcoming films even more, and give you the confidence to say you know your superhero stuff.

Pre-X-Men Apocalypse:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men: First Class
X-Men: The Last Stand
The Wolverine
X-Men: Days of Future Past

Photo Credit: Marvel. Click here to zoom in on the timeline. 

Check out the movies above, plus:

Marvel’s The Avengers (2012)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)


Skip the long lines, reserve your ticket online using PayMaya!

Watch X-men: Apocalypse now and reserve your tickets online at SM Cinemas and Sureseats for Ayala Cinemas for a hassle-free movie experience. You never have to worry if you can score tickets from the back of the line!

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