Promo has ended

Buy or Gift P200, P300, P500, or P1000 Smart or TNT load to get raffle entries!

Smart CNY Deals Page (1)


Promo Mechanics:

  1. This promo is open to all new and existing PayMaya users who will buy/send load via PayMaya Shop to Smart & TNT Subscribers.
  2. Promo will run from February 12 to March 12, 2021.
  3. PayMaya Subscribers who will buy the P200 – P1000 Regular Load will get e-raffle entries for a chance to win PayMaya Credits
    1. P200 – 20 e-Raffle entries
    2. P300 – 40 e-Raffle entries
    3. P500 – 50 e-Raffle entries
    4. P1000 – 110 e-Raffle entries
  4. Weekly Prizes and Draw Date(via Zoom/MS Teams):
      Prize Coverage of earning raffle entries Draw Date
    Week 1 1 winner of P8,000 Feb. 12 - 18 February 19, 2021
    Week 2 1 winner of P8,000 Feb 19 - 25 February 26, 2021
    Week 3 1 winner of P8,000 Feb 26 - Mar 4 March 5, 2021
    Week 4 1 winner of P88,000 Mar 5 - Mar 12 March 15, 2021
  5. All raffle entries are accumulative from the start until the end of the promo period. 
  6. Winner can only win once and is not qualified to be on the next raffle draws during the promo period
  7. The winner will be notified via phone call to their PayMaya-registered mobile number and via registered mail. A PayMaya representative will get in touch with the winners to verify their identity and to give further instructions on prize redemption.
  8. Winners will be receiving their cash prizes through their PayMaya wallets 5 days after confirmation.
  9. Winner just needs to send one (1) valid ID (original & photocopy) via email when claiming the prize.
  10. The names of all the winners will be announced on the Official PayMaya Facebook page.
  11. Winners have until 60 days from receipt of notification, to claim the prize. Failure to claim will forfeit the prize with prior DTI approval.
  12. Winners should be asked to sign Smart and PayMaya standard PR/marketing release forms as their pictures are collected
  13. This promo is applicable to unique and valid PayMaya accounts only. Multiple transactions/payments made from the same device using different mobile numbers will not be considered valid.
  14. Users with duplicate accounts or who are blacklisted cannot participate in this promo.  
  15. PayMaya reserves the right to refuse the awarding of cashback or rewards to accounts that are proven to be invalid or fraudulent (i.e. abuse of system or weakness in the promo to win prizes or receive benefits).  
  16. PayMaya reserves the right to withdraw cashback or rewards to invalid accounts even if the user has already received the cashback or benefit.  
  17. Should the qualified transaction be cancelled or declined, whether the cancellation is customer-or-biller-initiated, PayMaya reserves the right to withdraw the cashback or reward equivalent to the cancelled payment transaction, even if he cashback or reward has already been credited. PayMaya reserves the right to debit any points/cash reward credited from your balance. If your balance is insufficient to cover the amount to be withdrawn at the time of withdrawal, PayMaya reserves the right to debit the balance not withdrawn when your balance is sufficient.
  18. PayMaya users with merchant accounts and those under PayMaya Negosyo are disqualified from paritcipating in this promo
  19. Employees and relatives up to 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity of SMART and PayMaya are disqualified to join the raffle.
  20. All complaints and queries regarding this promotional activity may be attended through the Smart hotline *888 from Monday to Fridays, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, except Holidays.
  21. Customers have up to 7 days from the end of the promo to report possible disputes to SMART and PayMaya regarding the raffle entries earned. All aspects of the raffle promo are deemed final after this cut-off date.

Per DTI Fair Trade Permit No FTEB-113772, Series of 2021.

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Maya is the only end-to-end digital payments ecosystem enabler in the Philippines with platforms and services that cut across consumers, merchants, communities, and government. Through its enterprise business, it is the largest digital payments processor for key industries in the country including "everyday" merchants such as the largest retail, food, gas, and eCommerce merchants, as well as government agencies and units.

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