Promo has ended

Keep your 6% daily interest on Maya Savings when you pay with Maya

Promo runs from October 15 - November 30, 2022

Stay tuned this December for more ways to get a boost!

  1. Promo period is from October 15 to November 30 2022
  2. This promo is open to all new and existing Maya Savings accountholders who will accomplish ANY of the tasks below within the promo period. Every customer who successfully fulfills any of the options below will get to enjoy 6% interest rate on their Maya Savings for 30 days until November 30 only.
    1. Option 1: Pay via QR (min. P250 spend), OR
    2. Option 2: Pay online with Maya (min. P250 spend), OR
    3. Option 3: Pay with your Maya card (min. P250 spend), OR
    4. Option 4: Pay a bill in the app (min. P250 spend)

    If a Maya Savings accountholder did not complete any of the options above, he/she will be enjoying a 4.5% interest rate per annum on their Maya Savings account.

  3. After completing ANY of the transactions on section 2, a total of 6% interest p.a. will be applied to the users' Maya Savings account daily for 30 days on the same day of his successful transaction. Qualified users can keep extending his 6% interest until Nov 30 anytime he completes another transaction.

    Users who have an active boost until Nov. 30, 2022 will receive their final bonus interest of 1.5% on Dec. 1, 2022.

    Please see below sample scenarios for reference:






  4. User will receive an SMS and push notification every time he is qualified for the 6% interest rate

    “You earned a boosted interest of 6% p.a. with Maya Savings for 30 days! It will start appearing in your Savings transaction history tomorrow as 4.5% interest earned plus 1.5% bonus interest. No Maya Savings yet? Open one now and deposit before 12MN so that you can start earning 6% p.a. everyday!

    Restart your 30-day countdown by paying with Maya via QR, card, or number! Deposits insured by PDIC. Regulated by BSP.”

  5. User will receive an SMS notification when his/her 6% interest rate is about to expire and will be reminded to transact again to renew his 6% interest rate

    “Your 6% p.a. interest rate will expire soon. To extend your 6% for another 30 days, continue to pay with Maya! Learn more at”

  6. Your 6% interest p.a. will be reflected on your transaction history the next day as
    1. Base interest rate: 4.5% interest p.a. (from 12:00AM to 09:59AM, PH time) under "Interest" section of your Savings transaction history
      • Interest earned
      • Tax withheld
    2. Bonus interest rate: 1.5% interest p.a. (10:00AM to 11:59PM, PH time) under "Deposits" section of your Savings transaction history
      • Bonus Interest earned
      • Tax withheld
      • Note: Users who have an active boost until Nov. 30, 2022 will receive their final bonus interest of 1.5% on Dec. 1, 2022.
  7. Note that the 6% interest promo rate will only be applied to deposit balances of up to ₱5M. Deposits received in excess of this amount will not earn any interest. For an updated table of our interest rates, check our Maya Savings Terms and Conditions
  8. Bills pay transactions made at the following billers are excluded from the promo:
    1. “Government” category billers
    2. “Donation” category billers
    3. “Others” category billers
    4. “Payment Solutions” category billers
    5. Unionbank
    6. And other billers prone to promo abuse
  9. QR transactions made at the following merchants are excluded from the promo:
    1. Maya Business App (formerly called PayMaya Negosyo) merchants
    2. “Donation” category merchants
    3. “Government” category merchants
    4. “School” category merchants
    5. Gambling” category merchants
  10. Qualified users can participate in this promo and earn the rewards when they comply to any of the requirements or the terms and conditions herein.
  11. The winners must agree to be interviewed and featured in announcements to be made by Maya regarding the promo in any of the following channels: website, social media, print and online media.
  12. Videos and photos of participants may be used only for promotional ads related to this campaign.
  13. Only Consumer accounts are qualified for this promo. Maya users with Maya merchant accounts and Maya Center agents are disqualified from participating in this promo.
  14. This promo is applicable to unique and valid Maya accounts only. Maya reserves the right to withdraw rewards or prizes if one person has already received the prize or benefit, even if already issued.
  15. Maya users with duplicate accounts or who are blacklisted cannot participate in this promo. Maya reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the prize or benefit if proven to be a duplicate account or participant is blacklisted.
  16. In case of disputes regarding customer's eligibility for the promo, coverage of dates, fulfillment, Maya's decision shall prevail, in concurrence with DTI.
  17. Maya reserves the right to refuse the awarding of rewards or prizes to accounts that are proven to be invalid or fraudulent or a result of gaming (i.e. abuse of system or weakness in the promo to win prizes or receive benefits).
  18. Should the qualified transaction be cancelled or declined, whether the cancellation is customer- or biller-initiated, Maya reserves the right to withdraw the cashback or reward equivalent to the cancelled payment transaction, even if the cashback or reward has already been credited. Maya reserves the right to debit any points/cash reward credited from your balance. If your balance is insufficient to cover the amount to be withdrawn at the time of withdrawal, Maya reserves the right to debit the balance not withdrawn when your balance is sufficient.
  19. Any prize received by the qualified user shall be deemed final unless the customer files a complaint within 30 days from the end of the promo period. The decision of Maya on the complaint with concurrence of DTI-FTEB shall be considered final. For clarifications and complaints relative to this promo, please call (+632) 8845-7788, (Domestic Toll-Free: 1-800-1084-57788) or email
  20. All Maya users must follow strict compliance with mandatory social distancing requirements as imposed by the Philippine government to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. For your health and safety, always remember to maintain spacing of at least 1 meter in diameter between you and other people while in public areas.

DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-152891 Series of 2022

Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor. Maya Bank, Inc. is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Learn more at

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