Promo has ended

Get 200 cashback on Shopee 3.3 Sale with Maya!

Promo valid from March 3-7, 2024 (6PM-8PM only)

030124-Maya-Shopee 3.3  Mega Shopping Sale-KV-Deals

Promo Mechanics:

  1. Promo is valid from March 3-7, 2024, 6PM-8PM daily only.
  2. Promo is valid for users who will checkout using Maya as a payment method on Shopee.
  3. Valid within the promo period.
  4. All purchases must be made within the promo period to avail of the offer.
  5. Users who transact on Shopee worth at least P2,500 using Maya as their payment method are eligible for a P200 cashback reward voucher on their Maya account.
  6. Redeemed voucher amount will be reflected in your Maya account balance.
  7. Qualified users can avail of the P200 cashback offer only once during the promo run.
  8. The promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of Shopee and Maya.

How to redeem the P200 cashback reward voucher:

  1. Open the Maya app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap “Vouchers” in the home screen.
  3. Select the voucher you want to redeem under “Available” and tap “Claim”
  4. Review the details and amount of the voucher and tap “Claim Now”.
  5. You will receive a notification of the voucher redemption in-app and via SMS.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. Maya users with merchant accounts and those under Maya Business (formerly Maya Negosyo) are disqualified from participating in this promo.
  2. Should the qualified transaction be canceled or declined, whether the cancellation is customer- or biller-initiated, Maya and Shopee reserves the right to withdraw the cashback equivalent to the canceled payment transaction, even if the cashback value has already been credited. Maya and Shopee reserves the right to debit any points/cash reward credited from your balance. If your balance is insufficient to cover the amount to be withdrawn at the time of withdrawal, Maya reserves the right to debit the balance not withdrawn when your balance is sufficient.
  3. The customer should redeem the cashback voucher
  4. The customer must notify Maya of any complaints regarding the promo within 30 business days from the end of the promo period. The decision of Maya on the complaint with concurrence of DTI FTEB shall be considered final. For clarifications and complaints relative to this promo, please email Maya Philippines, Inc. is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-187807 Series of 2024

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