Promo is valid on Nov 8 - 17, 2021
Promo Mechanics:
Promo Offer |
Eligible Users |
Min. Spend Requirement |
20% Cashback Voucher on your FIRST-EVER Meralco (Postpaid) Bill Payment in Maya Cashback capped at P500. Avail once. Succeeding cash-in transactions will not be rewarded. |
Upgraded/Verified Maya Consumer App accountholders who have NEVER paid for a postpaid Meralco bill in the Maya App. |
On eligible user’s first-ever transaction, a single-receipt payment of at least P2,500 for a postpaid Meralco bill in the bill payment feature of the Maya app is required. |
10% Cashback Voucher on your FIRST-EVER Lazada Wallet Cash In using Maya Cashback capped at P500. Avail once. Succeeding cash-in transactions will not be rewarded. |
Upgraded/Verified Maya Consumer App accountholders who have NEVER used Maya when cashing-in to their Lazada Wallet accounts in the Lazada Website or Lazada App |
On eligible user’s first ever transaction, a minimum cash in amount of at least P2,000 in a single Lazada Wallet Cashin transaction using Maya is required |
P500 Cashback Voucher upon completion of ALL the required transactions, in ANY order within the promo period Users can qualify for this offer once. Succeeding completions of ALL required tasks will not be rewarded. |
Upgraded/Verified Maya Consumer App accountholders who will complete ALL the required spend transactions, in ANY order. |
Required Spend Transactions during the promo period, doable in ANY order 1. CASH-IN TO THE LAZADA WALLET USING Maya worth at least P2,000, in a single wallet cash in transaction in the Lazada App or Website
2. PURCHASE AN ITEM IN THE Maya IN-APP SHOP worth at least P300 in a single-receipt transaction. Available products include, but are not limited to, prepaid load, gaming pins, prepaid content subscriptions, and lifestyle vouchers
3. SEND MONEY worth a minimum of P1,000 each to THREE (3) unique upgraded/verified Maya Consumer Accountholders using the Maya Send Money Feature. Send Money to and from a Maya account via Bank Transfers/ Instapay / PESONet / Smart Padala / Negosyo Merchant will NOT be included in this promo.
4. PAY BILLS worth at least P2,000 each to TWO UNIQUE BILLERS (2) in the Maya in-app bill payment facility. Payments to billers under the “Donations” and “Others” Categories in the app are NOT included in this promo. |
DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-130248 Series of 2021
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About Maya
Maya is the only end-to-end digital payments ecosystem enabler in the Philippines with platforms and services that cut across consumers, merchants, communities, and government. Through its enterprise business, it is the largest digital payments processor for key industries in the country including "everyday" merchants such as the largest retail, food, gas, and eCommerce merchants, as well as government agencies and units.
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Maya is powered by the country's only end-to-end digital payments company Maya Philippines, Inc. and Maya Bank, Inc. for digital banking services. Maya Philippines, Inc. and Maya Bank, Inc. are regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.