5 Often-Overlooked Sources of Potential Customers in Online and Offline Retail

September 10, 2024
Reading Time
4 minute read

The business landscape today is more competitive than ever, with countless brands vying for the same pool of consumers. In such a saturated market, traditional methods of customer acquisition may no longer suffice. Retailers must think outside the box and explore typically overlooked avenues to reach potential customers. This shift from the usual to the unexpected can make a significant difference in a business’s growth trajectory.

Exploring these unconventional sources can benefit both online and offline retail businesses. By entering these underexplored areas, retailers in the Philippines can diversify their customer base and reach previously untapped markets. This approach continuously introduces fresh audiences to the brand, which, in turn, drives sales and lays the foundations for more sustainable growth.

Here are some unusual places where retail businesses, both digital and physical, can find new customers:

In-Store Events and Workshops

Events and workshops hosted at your physical store can create a buzz around your brand and draw in new customers who might not have otherwise discovered it. These events provide a platform to showcase your products and engage directly with your community. They may be especially effective for encouraging former customers to come back to your store, or for motivating your regulars to introduce friends and family members to your brand.

At in-store events, you’ll need an efficient way to manage ticket sales and registrations for a smooth, stress-free experience. Digital invoice payment solutions like Maya Invoice Payments are a good way to go, as they allow you to complete the process of invoice payment online through email, chat, or SMS. The solution’s customizable templates make it a breeze to create digital invoices and send them to your customers on their platform of choice. It’s also fully PCI-DSS compliant and equipped with top-notch security and fraud protection features, so it’s ultimately no surprise why many entrepreneurs in the Philippines swear by it as the country’s top invoice payment tool.

Partnerships with Local Businesses

Working with local businesses can open up new customer bases and create opportunities for mutual growth. These collaborative endeavors allow you to introduce your brand to the existing customers of your partner business and invite them to try out the products and services you offer. Because these customers will already have some measure of established trust in and loyalty to your partner, chances are, they’ll feel more comfortable checking out your offerings.

Successful partnerships often lead to cross-promotions and joint events, where both businesses benefit from increased exposure. For example, a local coffee shop might partner with a nearby bookstore for a joint event, thereby attracting book lovers who might also enjoy a cup of coffee. This strategy drives traffic while also nurturing a sense of community that could make customers more likely to support both businesses.


Micro-influencers have emerged as powerful voices within niche markets in the age of social media. These influencers, who typically have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers, often command a highly engaged audience that values their authenticity and recommendations. Unlike major influencers, micro-influencers tend to have a closer relationship with their followers, which translates into higher trust and a stronger pull when it comes to endorsements.

Partnerships with highly engaged micro-influencers whose values and audience align with your brand can allow you to tap into their loyal follower base, which is likely to be interested in your products or services. Whether it's through product reviews, sponsored content, or giveaways, these collaborations can drive targeted traffic to your business. From there, you’ll enjoy increased customer acquisition and brand visibility.

Niche Online Communities

You can open up a unique opportunity to reach highly targeted audiences by engaging with niche communities online. These communities, often found on platforms like Reddit, specialized forums, or social media groups, consist of members who are passionate about specific interests or hobbies. Your active participation in these groups can help you build trust and establish your brand as a valuable resource, no matter if you’re selling toy collectibles, musical instruments, roasted coffee beans, art books, or something else.

Effective marketing to these communities requires you to approach them with genuine interest and respect. Share useful content, participate in discussions, and offer exclusive promotions to members. Providing value without overtly pushing your products will help you establish a positive reputation and organically attract potential customers.

Customer Referral Programs

Word-of-mouth marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for acquiring new customers here in the Philippines. Satisfied customers who share their positive experiences with friends and family can boost your business's reach and credibility by a considerable margin. Implement a customer referral program to amplify this effect and incentivize your existing customers to refer new ones.

Rewards or discounts for successful referrals are the basic building blocks of an effective referral program. These measures both motivate your current customers and make it easier for new customers to try your products or services. A well-structured referral program can drive organic growth, increase customer loyalty, and enhance your brand’s overall standing in the eyes of both current and potential clients.

Draw in Customers from All Walks of Life with Maya Business Solutions

No matter where your customers come from, they’ll surely be more motivated to stay with your business long-term if you provide them with a shopping experience that’s both efficient and engaging. In addition to our online invoice payment solution, we offer a wealth of other digital and in-store payment solutions that your business can leverage to improve its transaction processing. We also offer business banking and disbursement solutions to streamline operations on the back end. Sign up for Maya Business today and you’ll be well-equipped to take advantage of a wider array of customer segments than ever before. 

Setting up a Maya Business account lets you open a Maya Business Deposit account and use it as your settlement account. With an industry-leading 2.5% per annum interest rate, you’ll earn PHP 25,000 in interest per year on a PHP 1 million deposit. From there, you can send money to your partners and suppliers for free via InstaPay and PESONet, so you won’t have to worry about managing transaction fees and can instead enjoy more savings. 

Your Maya Business account also qualifies you for a no-collateral Maya Flexi Loan offer of up to PHP 2 million in just 3 months, which you can then invest in developing your business even more. Just use Maya as your primary processor for all wallet and card payments. The more you use our solutions, the better the loan offer will be. 

Sign up for Maya Business today to enjoy the benefits of Maya Business solutions.